

FARMANI GROUP 是享譽全球的比賽單位,由創辦人Hossein Farmani所創立的Lucie Awards被譽為攝影界最重要的成就獎之一。在得獎者名單中,包括法國大師盧貝松、阿富汗少女攝影師史提夫·麥柯瑞等傑出人士。此外,FARMANI GROUP 旗下的IPA(International Photography Awards)是攝影界的奧斯卡獎露西獎(Lucie Awards)的姊妹獎,每年評選並展示全球各領域的優秀攝影作品,今年正值其20週年。旗下另一建築類知名獎項–AMP國際建築大師獎,也曾由安藤忠雄、Zaha Hadid、藤本壯介等建築大師獲得獎項。  而IDA(International Design Awards)則是國際性的設計獎項,每年舉辦一次,旨在表揚在設計領域優異的成果,星宇航空即是其中知名的得獎者之一。

ARTAO創辦人陶世忠與銘傳大學藝術中心館長李芝瑜攜手合作,將這項享譽國際的比賽作品帶到台灣展出。在松菸誠品的活動中,我們將分享藝術工作的國際化與在地化經驗,並邀請創辦人Hossein Farmani分享他對藝術市場的觀察和未來展望。                                                                                      


We cordially invite you to the “Path to International Art: IPA and IDA Photography and Design Symposium,” taking place on September 28th at 7:30 PM at Taipei’s Eslite Performance Hall. 

The FARMANI GROUP is renowned worldwide for the prestigious IPA (International Photography Awards) and IDA (International Design Awards).  The IPA in its 20th year, awards and showcases excellence in photography worldwide, while the IDA honors outstanding achievements across architecture, interior, graphic, product and fashion design. 

Join us for insights into international and local art experiences with Farmani Group founder Hossein Farmani joined by ARTAO founder John Tao and MCU Art Center Director Jeanne Lee who have united to present a selection of photographs from these respected Awards in Taiwan. 

Event entry begins at 7:00 PM, with the symposium starting at 7:30 PM, wrapping up by 9:00 PM. Your presence at this special occasion is highly anticipated. 

For more information about the Awards checkout the website 
IPA : https://www.photoawards.com 
IDA :https://www.idesignawards.com/



合作夥伴:晶華酒店Regent Hotel、財團法人台北市匯泰長安慈善基金會、豐麗寶投資有限公司、UPrint、英迪格酒店Hotel Indigo